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000576_owner-lightwave-l _Tue Feb 28 02:22:56 1995.msg
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Date: Tue, 28 Feb 1995 02:15:30 -0500 (EST)
From: Marc Delsoin <marc@escape.com>
To: Feliciano di Giorgio <feli@d2.com>
cc: lightwave-l@netcom.com
Subject: Re: Inside or Outside (The Quest for PAR)
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Considering we have all the slots in our A4000 filled, including the slot
next to our toaster you are not suppose to have anything in. I found an
extra fan put in back of the original fan in the A4000 cools it off very
well. The extra push increases the flow a lot. This way the case is in
original condition that will not suck in more dust etc.... Just a
suggestion. Got the size closest to the original fan in the computer and
connected it to the to an AC outlet with a wire running out the expansion
slot (that was not being used).
> We had a big problem with our PARs overheating when
> stacked between racks of Kuper motion controll equipment.
> What really helped was taking the lid of the A4000 and milling
> about 10, 3-5 inc long vents into it with a steel drill bit, over
> the slot and powersupply area. If that's not enough, you could drop
> a dual fan card into one of the PC slots and add some vents on the side
> of the case.